Introducing Search Research: Revolutionizing Access to Mental Health Studies

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our groundbreaking website, Search Research. Developed in collaboration with Greater Manchester Mental Health and spearheaded by Carl Bateson, this innovative project aims to transform research participation for mental health service users. With Search Research, our mission is to make the process of finding and taking part in mental health studies more accessible, informative, and user-friendly.


Search Research is a cutting-edge platform that hosts a comprehensive database of active studies, along with relevant information such as therapies, drugs, equipment, and contacts. Service users can easily filter and search for trials based on various criteria, including age, location, therapy type, and more. To ensure the platform’s usability, we have actively involved service users in user-led focus groups, incorporating their valuable feedback to create an easily digestible and user-friendly experience.


The benefits of Search Research are manifold. By centralizing information and making it more accessible, service users can now find relevant and easily comprehensible details about ongoing studies. Furthermore, our platform allows users to search for trials based on their personal circumstances, such as location, age, and symptoms, significantly increasing their chances of finding suitable studies. Ultimately, this improves the efficiency and effectiveness of participant recruitment, reducing barriers and enabling more service users to engage in high-quality research.


Search Research is a pioneering approach that sets a new standard in research-oriented platforms. Our engaging and resource-rich website aims to become the go-to provider for commercial, industry, academic, and third-sector partners. By involving service users in the co-design process, we strive to excel in service user and carer co-production and engagement in research, ensuring the platform caters to the needs and preferences of its users.


To ensure widespread accessibility, we have started a Trust-wide engagement campaign to promote awareness and adoption of the Study Finder. Additionally, we are sharing the Study Finder with clinical services, empowering service users to take control of their participation and providing them with the necessary tools to navigate the world of mental health research.


By enabling service users to self-enroll in studies, we reduce the burden on clinical staff, freeing up their time for essential tasks.


Join us on this exciting journey to make research participation accessible, informative, and user-friendly for mental health service users. With Search Research, finding the right study for you is just a click away. Together, let’s advance mental health research and pave the way for a brighter future.