
Facing a Crisis? Explore Essential Services: Find Help through our Resource Links

During challenging times, it’s crucial to know that you’re not alone. At Search Research, we understand the importance of support when you need it the most. If you find yourself in the midst of a crisis, we encourage you to take advantage of the valuable services available through our carefully curated resource links below.

Our collection of links connects you to a network of organizations and initiatives that specialize in crisis management and support.

Remember, reaching out for help is a sign of strength, and there is no shame in seeking support during difficult times. We hope that our carefully curated resource links will serve as a valuable tool for you to find the assistance you need to navigate through your crisis.

Know that you are not alone. Together, we can overcome the challenges and emerge stronger.


Find a Local NHS Urgent Mental Health Helpline

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NHS Mental Health 111

NHS 111

NHS Direct’s online service, NHS 111 online, provides a fast and convenient digital option for individuals in England seeking mental health support. By selecting the “mental health help” option within the system, people experiencing mental health crises can be efficiently directed to the appropriate team for assessment, treatment, or advice.

This specialized mental health pathway has been successful in reducing mental health-related emergency department visits and hospital admissions. By ensuring that individuals access the right services at the right time, this service aims to improve patient experience and outcomes while reducing costs, duplication, and confusion. NHS 111 online is part of a broader range of digital NHS services that empower individuals to manage their own mental health and care effectively.

samaritans search research


Samaritans is a well-known mental health support service that provides emotional support to individuals in distress, including those experiencing feelings of loneliness, depression, or suicidal thoughts. Available 24/7, Samaritans offers a confidential helpline where callers can speak with trained volunteers who are empathetic listeners.

Their aim is to provide a safe space for individuals to express their feelings and thoughts without judgment. Samaritans focuses on active listening and offering emotional support, empowering individuals to explore their feelings and find their own solutions. The service is accessible to anyone in need, promoting emotional well-being and helping individuals during challenging times.

Click to Call 116 123 – Click to Visit Website

Text SHOUT Search Research


Shout 85258 is the UK’s first and only free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for individuals in crisis. Available on all major mobile networks, anyone struggling to cope can text “SHOUT” to 85258 for immediate assistance. Since its launch in May 2019, Shout has engaged in over 1.7 million conversations with individuals experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, suicidal thoughts, or feeling overwhelmed.

Shout has played a critical role as a digital service, providing uninterrupted mental health support when other services faced challenges. Shout’s dedication to offering in-the-moment support has made it a valuable resource for those in need.

SHOUT to 85258 Click to Visit Website

Mind Search Research


Mind provides a comprehensive range of services to support individuals experiencing mental health issues, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives and actively participate in society. Their mission involves offering advice, information, advocacy, and support services, as well as striving to improve local mental health services, raise awareness, and promote overall mental health and well-being through various initiatives.

Mind envisions a society that fosters and safeguards good mental health for all, treating individuals with mental health experiences fairly, positively, supportively, and with respect.

saneline search research


SANEline is a national mental health helpline that offers specialized emotional support, guidance, and information to individuals affected by mental illness, including family members, friends, and caregivers. The helpline operates outside of regular hours, providing assistance from 4pm to 10pm every day of the year. SANEline is dedicated to supporting individuals, especially during moments of crisis, understanding that each person’s experience of crisis is unique and can vary in frequency.

Their trained helpline volunteers offer empathetic and non-judgmental support, creating a safe space for individuals to discuss their own mental health or that of someone close to them. Confidentiality is highly valued, and more information on this aspect can be found on their Confidentiality page. SANEline is committed to providing a lifeline of understanding and care to those seeking assistance during challenging times.

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK

The National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK is a supportive listening service available to anyone experiencing thoughts of suicide. This helpline operates during specific hours and offers a non-judgmental and empathetic space for individuals to share their feelings or concerns about themselves or someone close to them.

The helpline emphasizes confidentiality and aims to provide support to those in need, regardless of the frequency of their struggles. If immediate assistance is required, it is recommended to contact emergency services or seek help from a healthcare professional.

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is an organization dedicated to combating suicide by challenging negative emotions, breaking stereotypes, and fostering a sense of community. With 125 lives lost to suicide each week and 75% of UK suicides being male, CALM aims to bring about change.

They achieve this through promoting open conversations, providing life-saving services, and uniting people to reject misery and seek help when needed. CALM recognizes that anyone can experience suicidal thoughts, and they stand with individuals from all backgrounds and circumstances.

Their comprehensive services include informative resources on their website and confidential helpline support, available every day of the year. Whether it’s anxiety, relationship issues, health concerns, financial worries, or suicidal thoughts, CALM’s helpline staff are ready to listen, offer guidance, and help individuals develop a plan for a brighter future.

Nightline Search Research


Nightlines are valuable listening and information services specifically designed for students and operated by students. These services are available during the night when other support options may be unavailable. Dedicated student volunteers provide a safe and non-judgmental environment where individuals can freely and anonymously discuss any concerns they may have. These volunteers are trained in active listening techniques and can be reached through various channels such as phone, instant messaging, text, and in-person sessions.

When you reach out to Nightlines, you can expect a compassionate and understanding listener who will not judge or impose solutions on you. Whether you’re an undergraduate or a PhD student, the fellow student volunteers are well-equipped to support you through the challenges and difficulties that may arise during your academic journey. Every listening volunteer undergoes comprehensive training in active listening, ensuring that you have a secure space to express your thoughts and feelings in your own way.

Switchboard Search Research


Switchboard is a helpline providing information, support, and referrals for LGBTQ+ individuals and anyone exploring issues related to their sexuality or gender identity. Their trained volunteers, who identify as LGBTQ+, offer a safe and confidential space to discuss topics like coming out, relationships, family problems, work or college issues, sexual health, and finding LGBTQ+ venues and support groups.

The helpline operates daily from 10 am to 10 pm, and callers are encouraged to take their time and find their own solutions with the support of Switchboard.

Helplines Partnership

Helplines Partnership

Helplines Partnership is a membership organization that supports helpline services providing information, support, and advice through various channels like phone, email, text, and online. With over 20 years of experience, they promote best practices, exchange knowledge, and set standards in the helpline sector. They offer training, a Helplines Standard, and consultancy to help organizations improve their sustainability and deliver excellent services. While they are not the regulator, they provide support to helplines and encourage feedback to be directed to the respective helpline.

With approximately 350 members ranging from national charities to local and specialist organizations, Helplines Partnership aims to advance mental health and improve the quality of services for the public. Their vision is to champion a diverse and inclusive helplines sector and their mission is to facilitate collaboration, promote excellence, encourage innovation, and support inclusivity while upholding exceptional sector standards.

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