About Us

Search Research

Our Mission

At Search Research, our mission is to empower service users by providing them with easy access to accurate and relevant information about ongoing mental health studies and trials. We believe that by creating a user-friendly online platform that allows individuals to search and filter studies based on their personal circumstances, we can increase the number of participants in studies and reduce the number of dropouts, ultimately contributing to high-quality research that is relevant for the NHS in the long term.

We are committed to co-designing our platform with service users to ensure that the information we provide is accessible and digestible, and that our service aligns with our values of inclusivity, diversity, and engagement in research. Our platform will enhance the integration between R&I and clinical services across GMMH and increase opportunities for service users and staff participation in R&I activity.

Through the Study Finder and resource, we aim to be at the forefront of mental health research by providing a unique public-facing media platform that serves as a go-to source for service users, care givers and mental health staff. Our platform will make it easier for service users to make informed decisions about participating in studies, and we are committed to delivering this innovative approach.

About Search Research

Welcome to Search Research, the innovative project created by Carl Bateson in collaboration with Greater Manchester Mental Health. Our aim is to make research participation more accessible, informative, and user-friendly for service users.

Search Research is a platform that hosts all the current active studies and relevant information, such as therapies, drugs, equipment, and contacts. Service users can filter and search for trials based on various criteria, including age, location, therapy type, drug type, and more. We have worked closely with service users in user-led focus groups to ensure that our platform is easily digestible, accessible, and user-friendly.

Our project has many benefits for service users. Firstly, it allows them to find more accessible, digestible, and relevant information relating to any aspect of a study. Secondly, it enables them to search for trials/studies based on their personal circumstances, such as location, age, and symptoms, increasing the chances of finding suitable studies. Lastly, it helps improve the efficiency and effectiveness of participant recruitment, reducing barriers to recruitment, and increasing the number of participants in high-quality research.

As Search research is co-designed with service users, it is hoped that it will contribute to the aim of excelling in service user and carer co-production and engagement in research. Our platform is accessible to all service users!

Our platform empowers service users to enrol themselves in a study, freeing up clinical staff’s time.

Join us in this exciting journey of making research participation accessible, informative, and user-friendly for service users. Find the right study for you with Search Research.


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Search Research


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Lisa Morrison

“ It was so much fun for all of my friends and family. ”

Lisa Morrison

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Martin Moore

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Martin Moore

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Andrea Garcia

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Mike Stevens

“ This was fun for all of my friends. Thank you so much! ”

Mike Stevens

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